Friday, June 21, 2013

Five Fun and Easy Technology Projects for Back to School

I am already so pumped for back to school.  I have more ideas than I know what to do with!  I wanted to dedicate this post to five simple and fun technology projects to welcome your students back to school.

1.  Have each of your students create a voki telling something about them.  It's so easy!  Go to and click create on the upper left hand corner.  Students can customize their Voki with the picture, clothes, and even bling.  The next step is to add text.  The easiest way is to record or even type.  After they add their message they can play with the accent (be sure not to change the language though!) and change the setting and background.  Publish and post the link or embed code on your class website for a beautiful get to know you!

2.  Get to know your students by having them create a "Fakebook" profile. Basically students can add a photo, add friends, and everything on this cute Facebook look-a-like template. 

3. Help your students find the perfect book to start the year by visiting spaghetti book clubs.  Basically students can read reviews from other students about almost any book and even add a review to a book they have already read.  You can even use QR codes or a site like Paddlet to establish your own reading review club community.

4.  Create an interactive get to know you wall by publishing these projects as a QR code.  It's so easy!  You can take the link to any project and turn it into a QR code by using the link above or any other QR code generator.  Print the code and post it next to the student photo on a wall outside of your classroom or on your door.  Students can explore each other's projects using an iPad and visitors can view the projects using a smart phone.   

5.  Have your kids create their own avatar by using Doppleme.  It's perfect to establish their online profile and use for blogs and other web tools later in the year.

What are your favorite technology projects?

1 comment:

  1. I love all these ideas! I definitely want to try to use some of these at the beginning of the school year! Thanks!
