Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lesson Reflections

Do you ever feel like students learn a topic and then forget it the next day? We all feel so crunched for time, I believe that all too often, we forget to give kids time to reflect on their learning. I have created a simple lesson reflection book that teachers can use for any topic. I have used it both with students and for adult learning during staff development trainings. It takes little to no prep work and everyone finds it engaging. Here is an image of what these lesson chips or sticks look like:

Here are a few images of the direction sheets in this pack. We copied the color version (it also comes in black and white) and then got them bound. It's so easy to pull a reflection stick and then put the directions under our document camera for a quick opportunity to learn. Some teachers prefer not to make the sticks and plan for a specific opportunity to reflect. The possibilities are endless!

Please chck out this pack on teacher pay teachers or teachers notebook.

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