Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Reading and Writing Workshop

I am so excited about my small group packs that I just have to share out to the world!  The hardest part of teaching in a workshop model is squeezing in time for small groups AND one-on-one conferences.  These packs have completely solved this problem.  Now, all teachers have to do is use their assessments to plan for the groups and they are ready to go...FOR EVERY STANDARD!  I worked hard to make the lessons so they are fun and follow a simple routine so teachers and students know just what to expect.  You can download this routine for FREE!

If you're interested in checking out these resources they will be on sale this Sunday and Monday.  I hope you like them as much as my teammates do! It's available for both reading workshop and writing workshop.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Got to give credit to these workshops where it’s due. I mean, the first time I visited a workshop with my classmate about thesis writing help in London, not only did It changed the landscape of my exam results in a positive manner but sweet heavens, they had Taco Bell for their service, and those tortillas were stuffed LIVE, making me realize that workshops are not a waste of time.  

  3. packs teaching in that I just have to share out to the world! The hardest part of According to a survey, about 78 per cent of students in the United Kingdom are doing side jobs in order to manage their daily living expenses and tuition fee.
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  4. I recently attended a Reading and Writing Workshop, and it was fantastic! The whole experience was inspiring. However, what caught my eye during the event was a fellow participant's TTC x Nike Jacket. It blended style and comfort seamlessly. It just goes to show that even in an educational setting, fashion statements can be made! But back to the workshop, it was a great learning opportunity that I'd recommend to anyone looking to enhance their literary skills.

  5. The Reading and Writing Workshop was a lot of fun! the dissertation help reviews, The reviews of dissertation assistance provide insightful information about efficient writing and research techniques. It's clear how these sessions improve our ability to study. It was instructive to hear the several opinions that were expressed throughout the talks.
